
AfriForum submits criminal charges against social media instigators

AfriForum this morning submitted criminal charges against six individuals who are instigating people through social media to commit farm murders, to murder white people or who allege that they intend to do it themselves.

Ernst Roets, Deputy CEO of AfriForum explained that the civil rights organisation has received several complaints about the threats from their members.

“We regard the complaints in a very serious light. Comments published on social media platforms are not indemnified from prosecution,” Roets said.

Three of the instigators declared on social media that they’re active members of a certain political party, and one person published threats which are specifically aimed at AfriForum and its representatives.

“The names of the individuals and the details of what they published can however not be made public at the moment, as the police is busy investigating the matter,” Roets said.

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