
AfriForum and victims request Human Rights Commission hearing on farm murders

AfriForum, together with a victim whose husband was recently murdered in a farm attack, will submit a volume of complaints to the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) tomorrow, requesting the Commission to initiate a formal public hearing on farm murders, with specific focus on the don’t-care-attitude of the Minister of Police, Nathi Mthethwa, toward…


AfriForum steps in after brutal farm murder in Eastern Cape

The community of Barkly-East in the Eastern Cape approached AfriForum to intervene after an elderly couple was brutally murdered on their farm in the district. AfriForum again appealed to the Minister of Police, Nathi Mthethwa, to prioritise farm murders, but also indicated that the organisation will take the initiative by establishing local security networks in…


AfriForum exposes police negligence re farm attacks at flash conference

AfriForum today launched a report wherein serious negligence of police officers regarding the investigations of farm attacks is exposed. Various victims of farm attacks attended the event and explained how their rights have been infringed as a result of bad police work. One of the victims, Bernadette Hall told how two attackers were found not…


Accused in Barkly-East farm murder drops bail application

AfriForum today attended the second court appearance of the accused in the murder of an elderly couple from Barkly-East. Thulani Mkhentane (22), a Lesotho national, has withdrawn his bail application and will remain in custody until his next court appearance on 28 November. “The investigation continues. We would like to compliment the Barkly-East police for…


AfriForum releases security video footage of farm attack

AfriForum het vandag beeldmateriaal van ’n plaasaanval by ’n blitskonferensie in Centurion aan die media beskikbaar gestel. Hierdie materiaal sal deel vorm van die voorlegging oor plaasmoorde wat AfriForum op 26 en 27 November by die Verenigde Nasies se Forum vir Minderheidsaangeleenthede in Geneve, Switzerland gaan indien. Hoewel die beeldmateriaal nie geweld bevat nie, sal…

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