
Mthethwa disregards farm murder crisis, says AfriForum

AfriForum accused the Minister of Police, Nathi Mthethwa, of deliberately disregarding the magnitude of the farm murder crisis in South Africa, and being unfeeling towards the victims of this catastrophe. This was in reaction to Mr Mthethwa’s remarks this morning at a breakfast session of The New Age newspaper, where Mthethwa criticized AfriForum’s campaign against…


AfriForum to intensify campaign against farm attacks; invites victims to get involved

AfriForum has today appealed to South Africans who have been affected by farm attacks to get involved in the struggle to convince the Minister of Police, Nathi Mthethwa to declare farm murders a priority crime. Victims are, for this purpose, encouraged to send their stories to stopthemurders@afriforum.co.za so that they can be involved in the…


AfriForum wants to see the Human Rights Commission re farm murders

AfriForum today asked for an appointment with the Chairperson of the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC), Adv. Lawrence Mushwana, to obtain the Commission’s support for AfriForum’s campaign against farm murders. In the letter addressed to Mushwana, Ernst Roets, Deputy CEO of AfriForum, explained that the organisation is currently assisting a number of victims of…


Police Minister ignores terror on farms; communities must fight back themselves

The civil rights organisation AfriForum a month ago directed a letter for the umpteenth time to Gen. Bheki Cele, Minister of Police, and requested to meet with him regarding violence on farms, as well as the land grab crisis staring the country in the face. “Cele has up until today not even acknowledged receipt of…

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