Forum Nuus: Forum Nuus gesels met organiseerder van internasionale optogte teen plaasmoorde
AfriForum accused the deputy minister of agriculture, Bheki Cele, of misleading the public about the reality on South Africa’s farms, and that he does not seriously consider the plea of those who call for the prioritisation of farm murders. This follows after Cele was questioned this morning during a press conference on farm murders, to…
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The civil rights organisation AfriForum a month ago directed a letter for the umpteenth time to Gen. Bheki Cele, Minister of Police, and requested to meet with him regarding violence on farms, as well as the land grab crisis staring the country in the face. “Cele has up until today not even acknowledged receipt of…
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Two farm attacks took place in Theunissen and Bainsvlei in the Free State this morning, during which three murders were committed. The civil rights organisation AfriForum today once again appealed to the president to intervene to make the farm murder crisis in South Africa a national priority. “This means that seven farm murders have now…
Foreign visitors to South Africa are also targeted on our country’s farms. Recently, a German couple was murdered on a farm. AfriForum will therefor launch an international awareness campaign regarding farm murders later this month. Ernst Roets, Deputy CEO of AfriForum elaborates. Post Views: 625