Mediakonferensie rakende onteiening sonder vergoeding en plaasmoorde: Alana Bailey
AfriForum het vandag beeldmateriaal van ’n plaasaanval by ’n blitskonferensie in Centurion aan die media beskikbaar gestel. Hierdie materiaal sal deel vorm van die voorlegging oor plaasmoorde wat AfriForum op 26 en 27 November by die Verenigde Nasies se Forum vir Minderheidsaangeleenthede in Geneve, Switzerland gaan indien. Hoewel die beeldmateriaal nie geweld bevat nie, sal…
AfriForum says it is clear – from the crime statistics – that SAPS Specialist Units contributed sizably to the reduction and combatting of priority crimes in the past financial year. Reg Crewe, AfriForum Head of Community Safety, reacted to the release of the annual national crime stats by Police Minister, Nathi Mthethwa in Pretoria. AfriForum…
AfriForum today alleged that the silence of the Minister of Police, Nathi Mthethwa, on farm attacks borders on collusion. This was in reaction to the news that the bodies of another elderly couple (both between 70 and 75) were found on their farm in the Free State. The man’s body was found on the floor…
The civil rights organisation AfriForum has issued a report today in which the relationship among politics, hate speech and an increase in farm murders is set out. The report deals with five prominent cases where hatred and violence was fuelled by political leaders against white farmers. It was found that farm murders increased by an…
AfriForum is to meet with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Senzeni Zokwana tomorrow to discuss possible solutions to the farm murder crisis. The meeting is scheduled for 8:00 and will be at the office of the minister in Pretoria. Ernst Roets, Deputy CEO of AfriForum, said the organisation believes in a dual solution…
AfriForum will release a report on Thursday in which the brutality of farm murders is depicted. The International Rehabilitation Council for Victims of Torture has also given AfriForum the undertaking that they will study the report. The report will be introduced on 26 June – the day which has been proclaimed by the United Nations…