Statistieke oor plaasaanvalle en -moorde gedurende 2014 bekendgemaak
While the civil rights organisation AfriForum and hundreds of members of the public today observed a moment of silence at the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria for all the victims of farm murders, the elderly Bokkie Potgieter (70) was murdered brutally on a farm in Vryheid in KwaZulu-Natal. The organisation today as part of #BlackMonday came…
The civil rights organisation AfriForum and the agricultural union TAU SA today announced the statistics for farm attacks and farm murders committed during 2014 at a joint media conference in Centurion. A total of 277 farm attacks of which the details could be verified by the two organisations were carried out during 2014. A total…
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AfriForum urged farmers in KwaZulu-Natal to mobilize and prepare themselves for land grabs. This follows after AfriForum was informed during the last 10 days of 3 farms being invaded by land grabbers, 2 farm attacks and the triple murder on members of the Schutte family in Richmond. “It is quite clear that Government has totally…
Post Views: 1,303
AfriForum has today appealed to South Africans who have been affected by farm attacks to get involved in the struggle to convince the Minister of Police, Nathi Mthethwa to declare farm murders a priority crime. Victims are, for this purpose, encouraged to send their stories to so that they can be involved in the…