Wilmien Potgieter Study Fund
The Wilmien Potgieter Study Fund was established in support of children who are victims of farm murders. It was established in memory of Wilmien Potgieter who was only two years old when she was brutally murdered with her parents on a farm outside Lindley in the Free State in December 2010. Her father, Attie, was stabbed 151 times with a panga, garden fork and a knife, in front of his wife Wilna and the two year old Wilmien, after which they too were viciously murdered.
Children who are victims of farm attacks have to live with tremendous trauma and in some cases the victims even need study assistance in order to pay for their school fees and tertiary education after their parents had been murdered in a farm attack.
In most cases where the survivors of a farm attack are left behind, the family usually leaves the farm without knowing how they will generate in income. There are no means of paying for the children’s school fees or their tertiary education.
For this reason, AfriForum, in cooperation with the Helping Hand Study Trust, has established a study fund for the destitute victims of farm murders in order for them to have the necessary help and support to finish school and obtain a tertiary qualification.
If you are interested in supporting the study fund with a donation or testamentary bequest, send an email to studietrust@helpendehand.co.za, phone us at 012 111 8360 or make an EFT donation.
The Helping Hand Study Trust (IT 3970/2001 (T)) is a registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) with registration number 93000 6586 and is authorised to issue donors an Article A18 tax certificate.

Our banking details are as follows:
Die Helpende Hand Studietrust
Account number: 62331447541
Branch code: 261550
Reference: Wilmien Potgieter
Swift code: FIRNZAJJ