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AfriForum urged farmers in KwaZulu-Natal to mobilize and prepare themselves for land grabs. This follows after AfriForum was informed during the last 10 days of 3 farms being invaded by land grabbers, 2 farm attacks and the triple murder on members of the Schutte family in Richmond. “It is quite clear that Government has totally…
AfriForum today asked for an appointment with the Chairperson of the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC), Adv. Lawrence Mushwana, to obtain the Commission’s support for AfriForum’s campaign against farm murders. In the letter addressed to Mushwana, Ernst Roets, Deputy CEO of AfriForum, explained that the organisation is currently assisting a number of victims of…
AfriForum is to meet with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Senzeni Zokwana tomorrow to discuss possible solutions to the farm murder crisis. The meeting is scheduled for 8:00 and will be at the office of the minister in Pretoria. Ernst Roets, Deputy CEO of AfriForum, said the organisation believes in a dual solution…
The civil rights organisation AfriForum has declared November 2015 as a national month of protest against farm murders. Various actions will be launched during November that will focus on increasing international pressure on the South African Government to prioritise farm murders. AfriForum requests the public to show their support for this campaign by visiting the…
AfriForum het vandag beeldmateriaal van ’n plaasaanval by ’n blitskonferensie in Centurion aan die media beskikbaar gestel. Hierdie materiaal sal deel vorm van die voorlegging oor plaasmoorde wat AfriForum op 26 en 27 November by die Verenigde Nasies se Forum vir Minderheidsaangeleenthede in Geneve, Switzerland gaan indien. Hoewel die beeldmateriaal nie geweld bevat nie, sal…
Personnel of the civil rights organisation AfriForum were recently invited by the writer AnnMaree Barry to act as guest speakers in Calitzdorp during the launch of her latest book entitled Afvlerkvoëls. Barry is a sergeant associated with the Calitzdorp police station and the book deals with the sadness of a farm attack and the trauma…