AfriForum gee sy regspan opdrag om polisie-inligting oor plaasmoorde te eis
The civil rights organisation AfriForum a month ago directed a letter for the umpteenth time to Gen. Bheki Cele, Minister of Police, and requested to meet with him regarding violence on farms, as well as the land grab crisis staring the country in the face. “Cele has up until today not even acknowledged receipt of…
The civil rights organisation AfriForum announced a plan today that aims to assist the four farmers from Parys in their court case. These farmers have been charged with the murder of two farm attackers. Among other, AfriForum created a platform through which members of the public can donate funds to help these farmers. This follows…
30 November 2012 AfriForum has declared 1 December to be a National Day of Protest against farm murders. In a coordinated effort in the run up to 1 December AfriForum’s local structures and victims of farm attacks submitted more than 100 memorandums to police stations across South Africa. The memorandum demand stronger interventions against farm…
The civil rights organisation AfriForum will meet with Lt. Gen. Phahlane Kgomotso, the acting National Police Commissioner, on 4 May 2016 to discuss the manner in which farm murders can be prioritised and how AfriForum can contribute. This follows Lt. Gen. Phahlane’s remark in the media earlier the year that farm murders should enjoy greater…
Mr Senzeni Zokwana, the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, and a delegation from AfriForum met in Pretoria this morning to discuss farm murders, as well as other rural violence and community relations in rural areas. During the meeting, the Minister and AfriForum agreed that the Minister, through his department, will facilitate an initiative to…
AfriForum reacted sharply to the statement by Bheki Cele, Minister of Police, that farm murders should not be priority crimes. The civil rights organisation describes the Minister’s statement as irrational and discriminatory. This follows Cele’s statement yesterday that farm murders cannot be declared priority crimes because these simply refer to cases of homicide, rape, assault…