
AfriForum heads to Perth, Australia to raise awareness on farm attacks in South Africa

The civil rights organisation AfriForum has been granted an opportunity to inform the world about the atrocious crimes committed against farmers in South Africa. The invitation to present at the 15th International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology (WSV) will provide a platform to enlighten academics and leaders in the field of victimology and human rights advocates on this very unique crime phenomenon in South Africa.

The city of Perth, Western Australia, is the host of the conference held from 5 – 9 July 2015. The theme of the conference is Victimisation, justice and healing: Challenging orthodoxies. According to the symposium website:

The theme is designed to provide a focus on sharing best practice, emerging responses, and critical reflection on contemporary conceptualisations of victimisation and justice in various settings and disciplines – from the world of ‘ordinary’ crime, to post-colonial and post-conflict settings, and to transnational, cyber and institutional environments.

The conference provides a platform for academics, victim service practitioners, the judiciary, policing, researchers and non-government organisations and policy makers from around the world to present and share research findings on a variety of topics concerning – and crimes committed against – victims.

In the last 20 years, at least 1 747 “farm murders” have been committed in South Africa. Many of these murders included rape and torture. The ratio at which South African farmers are murdered, is calculated to be 132,8 per 100 000 per year. The world average murder rate is around 7 per 100 000 and the general murder ratio in South Africa is 32 per 100 000.

Lorraine Claasen, Researcher at AfriForum and expert on farm attacks, has been conducting extensive field research on farm attacks for more than a year. As part of this research, more than 50 case studies have been conducted, which include extended interviews with survivors of these attacks, relatives of murdered victims and farm workers. Various experts have also been involved. Claasen will do the presentation on behalf of AfriForum.

Ernst Roets, Deputy CEO at AfriForum and Spokesperson for the organisation’s campaign for the prioritising of farm murders by the South African Government, will join Claasen at the conference.

“It is an honour and a privilege for AfriForum to have been granted an opportunity to make a presentation regarding the victims of farm attacks at such an esteemed event. We will use this occasion to provide the audience members from countries around the world, with an in overview of farm attacks in South Africa and the impact these crimes may have on its victims,” said Claasen.

Claasen is scheduled to present on 7 July.

“We hope to achieve significant international awareness concerning farm attacks and that the world will pay attention to the atrocities committed against these South Africans. It is imperative to get the message to the world that since 1990, 3 542 farm attacks have been recorded and 1 747 murders have been committed during these attacks. The severity of the problem cannot go unnoticed any longer,” added Claasen.

For more information on the conference, please visit the website at https://www.eiseverywhere.com/ehome/victimology2015/home/?&.

• Both Roets and Claasen will be available for interviews during the event. Members of the South African media are kindly requested to be cautious of differences in time zones.

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