AfriForum talks about farm murders on Sky News
While the civil rights organisation AfriForum and hundreds of members of the public today observed a moment of silence at the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria for all the victims of farm murders, the elderly Bokkie Potgieter (70) was murdered brutally on a farm in Vryheid in KwaZulu-Natal. The organisation today as part of #BlackMonday came…
Various civilian organisations and opposition parties today during a joint media conference in Centurion took a stance against farm murders and made a plea to the South African government to incisively intervene to prioritise this crisis. The organisations also committed themselves to participate in the protest march against farm murders that is being planned for…
Christine Robinson, a British woman in her fifties, was gruesomely beaten to death on her farm about 15 km outside Thabazimbi. The police are investigating the murder and rumour has it that two farmworkers, who may have a connection to the case, are missing. AfriForum once again appealed to Government to prioritise farm murders. “This…
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AfriForum, together with a victim whose husband was recently murdered in a farm attack, will submit a volume of complaints to the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) tomorrow, requesting the Commission to initiate a formal public hearing on farm murders, with specific focus on the don’t-care-attitude of the Minister of Police, Nathi Mthethwa, toward…
AfriForum today attended the seventh session of the UN Human Rights Council’s Forum on Minority Issues in Genève, Switzerland, to address the Forum on the state of minority rights in South Africa. It is the fifth time that AfriForum is attending the annual session of this forum. According to Alana Bailey, Deputy CEO of AfriForum…