Hoe Lank Nog – Teken ons petisie teen plaasmoorde
The civil rights organisation AfriForum has declared November 2015 as a national month of protest against farm murders. Various actions will be launched during November that will focus on increasing international pressure on the South African Government to prioritise farm murders. AfriForum requests the public to show their support for this campaign by visiting the…
The recent wave of violent farm attacks and no less than 70 farm murders that were committed since 1 January this year, has stopped the rural community and most of the country’s citizens in their tracks. The question on many people’s lips is “what can I do?” This was also the case for Chris Loubser,…
The civil rights organisation AfriForum has welcomed the fact that the ANC today condemned farm murders in a media statement, but added that statements alone are not enough to crack down on the crisis in practice. The organisation once again made a plea to the government to prioritise farm murders by drawing up a focused…
The civil rights organisation AfriForum announced the latest farm attack statistics for 2019 during a media conference today a farm attack survivor also shared with the media the horrific details of the attack during which she was shot and raped. A total of 184 farm attacks including 20 farm murders have taken place thus far…
AfriForum today instructed its legal team to consider options for forcing the national commissioner of police, Riah Phiyega, to release more information on farm murders to the organisation. This follows after the commissioner alleged that farm murders have declined over the past five years, while the data collected by AfriForum and TAU SA clearly indicates…
AfriForum has today appealed to South Africans who have been affected by farm attacks to get involved in the struggle to convince the Minister of Police, Nathi Mthethwa to declare farm murders a priority crime. Victims are, for this purpose, encouraged to send their stories to stopthemurders@afriforum.co.za so that they can be involved in the…