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During 2018 there was a decrease in farm murders, but a sharp increase in farm attacks. This indicates that even though the problem is becoming worse, people are looking after their safety better while also defending themselves better. These are some of the findings that the civil rights organisation AfriForum today disclosed during a media…
The stories of about a hundred South Africans whose lives were destroyed by farm attacks, will be presented to Nathi Mthethwa, Minister of Police tomorrow. The victims demand that the Minister break his silence on this issue by declaring farm attacks a priority crime. The batch letters will be handed over jointly by AfriForum and…
AfriForum het vandag beeldmateriaal van ’n plaasaanval by ’n blitskonferensie in Centurion aan die media beskikbaar gestel. Hierdie materiaal sal deel vorm van die voorlegging oor plaasmoorde wat AfriForum op 26 en 27 November by die Verenigde Nasies se Forum vir Minderheidsaangeleenthede in Geneve, Switzerland gaan indien. Hoewel die beeldmateriaal nie geweld bevat nie, sal…
The civil rights organisation AfriForum accused Fikile Mbalula, the Minister of Police, of being a fabricator and distributor of fake news and says that the Minister is more concerned with his own political agenda than the safety of the public. This follows after a media statement by Bongani Mkongi, Deputy Minister of Police, in which…
AfriForum today filed a complaint of abuse of power, maladministration, political blackmail and contempt of court against the Minister of Police, Nathi Mthethwa, with the Public Protector. The complaint arises from attempts by the minister and his representatives to outlaw AfriForum’s protest march against farm murders, despite a declaratory court order declaring that there was…